Get to Know the Antioch Shrine Clubs & Units
Antioch Shrine Units
Meet Day - 1st Monday

August 2024 Message
By: Noble Scottie Beirise
In the past months the Bobbies have had some meaningful happenings.
Gary Strawsburg retains the Klutz Award since he is still operating on one leg. We welcomed Leonard Broyles into our group of misfits and successfully
performed in a steamy Airshow parade, the always well attended Fairborn 4th of
July parade, and our favorite Greenville Annie Oakley parade.
The highlight of July was the Bobbies Olympics held at the Cline family residence and Tiki Bar and pool. As always, a special thank you to the Cline family
(especially Emily) for opening their home to us.
This time of year, the Bobbies are focused on preparing for the competition at the Great Lakes Shrine Association in September. We practice most Sunday afternoons at UD Arena, please feel free to stop by any time.
Brass Band
Meet Day - TBA (Dark Currently)

Director – TBD
June 2019 Message
The Antioch Brass Band is looking for new members to join us in playing instruments in our Brass Band. If you are interested please contact Past Potentate Ed Mullins.
The Brass Band is also in need of a driver for their parade vehicle. (Need not know how to play instrument to drive vehicle). If you are willing or able also please contact Past Potentate Ed Mullins or Antioch Shrine office.
Thank you!
Antioch Car Club
Meet Day - As Called

August 2024 Message
By David Stamper, Director
Hello Fellow Nobles! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer! There have been a ton of car shows and cruise ins around the area but now it’s time to focus on our very own Antioch Shrine Car Club Car Show! This will be held on Sunday August 18th, from 1PM-4PM with registration opening at 11AM. Thanks to everyone that has helped get our flyers out in the community by going to car shows and cruise ins and passing them out. I’d also like to thank those that have participated in the parades so far and represented Antioch as well as the Car Club!
August “Safety Tip”: BACKING OUT / PARKING
1) Before you back out of a driveway or parking spot, prevent back overs by walking around your vehicle to check for children running and playing. Even if using backup cameras, kids and pets may be out of view but still in your vehicle’s path.
2) When children play, they often don’t pay any attention to cars and trucks around them. They think drivers will watch out for them.
3) Every vehicle has a blind zone. As the size of the vehicle increases, so does that blind zone.
4) We also need to be very mindful of children close to the roads during our parades. As many of you have seen, some parents don’t think it’s a big deal for their child to come out onto the street to see something or pick up some candy. (People still insist on throwing candy out to the kids which promotes this) Please stay alert and drive slowly! I know our Parade Marshal does a great job
keeping folks up off the streets, but he can’t cover the entire parade at one time..
Directors Staff
Meet Day - 1st Tuesday

Background Information
The Directors Staff, originally called the Arab Patrol, was formed in 1897 and consisted of 30 Nobles and a Captain. The name was changed by Imperial Law from Arabs to Directors Staff in 1961. The Directors Staff is responsible for the initiation of all new candidates. With the philosophy of being part of a great team of Nobles with one purpose, the glory of Antioch Temple and all Shrinedom, the Directors Staff supports the Shrine Hospitals and Burns Institute to the fullest extent.
Meet Day - As Called

Background Information
One of the newest Units at Antioch is our Drifters. They initially formed in 2016 under the leadership of Illustrious Sir Dave Heizer. These amazing hot wheelesque, 3-wheeled trikes are sleek. They can go up to 40 mph and do skidding tricks, along with produce flames off the back. These are a definite show stopper and are the newest highlight during parade season.
Meet Day - 1st Thursday

Background Information
The Logan County clowns became the Funsters Unit of Antioch in 1955 to act as children’s best friends at street parades and at visitations to the Shriner’s hospitals. A large trailer, equipped with a merry-go-round, is seen in Antioch parades and has been the Funsters symbol. The Funsters Unit has won many awards for both group and individual competition at Imperial, GLSA and ISCA. Our most recent Past Potentate, Illustrious Sir Bret Stahler, has won international awards for his costuming, skits and parade ability. You definitely need to attend the Shrine Circus and parades to catch a glimpse of Snap Trap
and the other Funsters.
Meet Day - TBA

Background Information
The newest Unit at Antioch, the Funtastics, is a group of some of our favorite fictional heroes who ride a variety of vehicles. Formed in 2017, they can be seen at the parades, entertaining the kids with their very well-known characters.
Meet Day - 2nd Tuesday

Background Information
Prior to becoming a Unit, an appointed committee of about 12 Nobles served Antioch in registration and first aid from 1947 until they became a Unit in 1955. Noble Clyde Marquart was the first Director of the Greeters. This Unit is responsible for registering all of the Nobility at stated meetings and ceremonials. They also have items available for purchase by the Nobles during ceremonials. Very few, if any, Antioch functions occur without the Greeters being present to promote good fellowship and fraternalism.
Meet Day - 2nd Friday

August 2024 Message
By Illus. Sir Bruce Baughman, KoQ
After a summer of relaxing and prepping the Still for the next batch, your Hillbilly Clan Wright Flyer #91 will gather on Friday August 2nd at 7:00
at Antioch Shrine Center. Food, beans and cornbread, is provided by some of our newest cousins at 6:00.
Keeper of the Quill
Indy Cars
Meet Day - As Called

Background Information
The Indy Car Unit is very recognizable. Each member drives a custom-made Indy Car that look similar to those you can see on the track! This group is known for their sleek maneuvers and figure eight formations. You definitely want to be in the front of the crowd to view them during the parades.
Meet Day - As Called

Background Information
The Darke County Jeepsters club became an active Antioch Club in 1974. Each member owns a Jeepster made during 1948, 1949 and 1950 which is in good mechanical condition and is painted President Red. Members participate in parades and they play a major role in the Darke County Hospital Fund Drive.
Kentucky Col
Meet Day - 1st Tuesday

Background Information
Information coming soon!
Legion Of Honor
Meet Day - 1st Thursday

June 2019 Message
Greetings Nobles:
The Legion of Honor is again busy presenting Colors at many events.
Memorial Day is on Monday May 27th. Please stop a moment to remember the brave men and women of our Armed Forces that gave all.
“Life, liberty and the pursuit of those who threaten it”
US Dept. of the Navy
Please keep our members that may be sick or distressed and all of our veterans, wherever dispersed, in your thoughts and prayers.
Membership is limited to Nobles that are serving or have been Honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of their country.
Little Red Cars
Meet Day - 3rd Tuesday

Background Information
The Four Wheelers began in January 1965 as a part of the Motor Corps. In 1981, they became a separate Unit with Red Fez status. Each Noble owns his own little red car and is required to practice diligently. They have competed in National as well as Great Lakes drill competition.
Antioch Patrol
Meet Day - 2nd Tuesday

June 2019 Message
Getting ready for the parade season! Our May meeting was spent replacing batteries in three of our units. It was a team effort. Each scooter has three batteries and they are not easy to replace.
We have E-Wheels available! See our Director Ron Rhoades if interested in joining a fun unit.
As always our thoughts and prayers to those patrolmen, and their families, who have health problems.
Motor Corp
Meet Day - 2nd Tuesday

June 2019 Message
Well, we are off to a good start this parade season. First of all I want to welcome Nobles Jack Morgan, Scott Sowder and Gary Moore back to the Motor Corps. Our past president, Noble Morgan has been active with the Bobbies the past few years and Brothers Scott and Gary have been inactive. In addition to these three Nobles, we want to welcome our newest member, Noble Bruce Terrell, to our unit. Welcome aboard, Bruce. The outstanding efforts of Ill. Dave Heizer has resulted in a new Snoopy Dog house which not only looks great but also performs outstandingly. We in the Corps are very appreciative of Noble Mark Fiste’s efforts in making sure that Snoopy will be participating in all parades this season. Thanks a lot, Mark.
Our annual picnic will be on Sunday June 23rd at the VFW in West Carrollton. Once again the picnic will be catered by Noble Rick Maynard. Rick always does a great job. Remember to mark your calendar.
Last but not least I want to remind all Nobles that Noble Bill Nickolson is heading up our annual Hospital Fund Drive. The collection efforts will be held at Krogers on old Troy Pike (State Route 202) on the 3rd of August. Noble Shifflett has a sign up sheet and is scheduling times for Nobles and their Ladies to participate. The shifts are two hours long. Please give Gary a call and get on the schedule so Peanuts does not need to scurry at the last minute to get participants.
Parade Escort
Meet Day - 1st Monday

Background Information
The Parade Escort (formerly known as Motor Escort) was formed in 1962. The primary duty of the Unit is to perform at the call of the Potentate in a highly professional manner. All members own their own Harley Davidson and are at the front of every parade, proudly carrying an American flag.
Past Masters
Meet Day - 1st Thursday of February, April, June, September and November

January 2019 Message
Greetings Nobles,
The Past Masters club has been busy recently.
We participated in a table at the Sportsman Raffle, look forward to it again next year. Most recently we participated the Tri State Exemplification, in Indianapolis. Conferring the 2nd section of Master Mason degree. This was a wonderful opportunity, to represent the Grand Lodge of Ohio, and the entire team did an outstanding job. See photo included.
If you are a Past Master and would like to join our club please see our Director, WB Chuck Pinney, or any member for a petition. We do MM courtesy work for lodges, as well as the Shrine Ceremonial.
We will be joining the Motor Corps, Dec 8, at Antioch for a Christmas party. Cost is $20 per person. WB Gary Holt will take reservations.
Photo Unit
Meet Day - 4th Wednesday

January 2023 Message
2023 has a arrived! We have ushered in a new 2023 Divan with new faces, new ideas, and friendships to carry us through another year. Please take a look at your 2023 Antioch Shrine calendar to see events planned for the year. We have a new monthly Friday evening Oasis Fun, Games, and Fellowship event. The Antioch Drama club has rejoined the ranks to bring back memories of old with live events and laughter. Fish Frys will return again this year, and many other events to come.
On a more serious note, the recording of history for this great philanthropy is dependent on the existence of key critical units. We have a few photo members and several ladies of the Shrine supporting the photo unit to fill the voids, but we are looking for more nobles who are willing to step forward, take the lead, and continue to record the history of our Antioch Shrine. Please reach out the Doug Arp at if you are interested in joining the unit, or have photos to share.
Join us for a few laughs, friendship, and don’t forget to smile.
Thank You!
Antioch Photo Unit
Pipes & Drums
Meet Day - 1st Wednesday

Background Information
The Pipers officially became a Unit in 1972. The Antioch Pipers wear authentic Scottish regimental military uniforms and their Tartan is Dress Stewart; their Flag the Scottish Rampant Lion. The prime purpose of this Unit is to fully support the Divan and Antioch Temple by adding color, pageantry and their unique, special brand of music and march to the Temple’s display of Units.
Pote's Troubadors
Meet Day - As Called

Background Information
The Troubadours were organized on January 25, 1966. Their first public appearance was to play for a Press Party at the Shrine Circus and for a meeting of the Council of Shrine Clubs. The group has been fortunate as many of the members, both past and present, have had considerable experience and training in the musical field.
Provost Guard
Meet Day - 1st Wednesday

Feb 2023 Message
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone from the Provost Guard! This is one of the special months of the year when we indulge in candy’s different tasty fillings covered in chocolate. Of course, there is the standard “smash the piece a little” to see what’s inside before we actually pop it in our mouth.
So, on February 14 we share those chocolates, candle-lit dinners and mushy doily cards in the name of St. Valentine. But, who was this saint of romance? Supposedly, he was a real person who was beheaded on February 14, 270 A.D. for promoting Christianity. He is the patron saint of engaged couples and happy marriages.
Hope this romantic month is wonderful for you and your loved ones and we Provost will see you at the many Antioch up-coming events.
Meet Day - No Meetings

Background Information
This Unit began in late 1974 as the Mound Shrine Club Rovers. In 1981 officially became known as the Rovers. Each member owns his own dune buggy made from a Volkswagon that is fitted with a plastic body. You definitely do not want to miss these as they roar down the streets of the parades.
Meet Day - As Called

Background Information
The Transportation Unit is our most revered Unit. Nobles volunteer on a rotating basis to take Shriner’s Hospital patients to and from appointments at the clinics. This is a very rewarding position as the Nobles get a chance to interact with patients and their families. The driver’s give selflessly of their time and are reminded on every trip why they wear a Fez!
Antioch Shrine Clubs
Champaign County
Meet Day - 4th Thursday

January 2019 Message
The Champaign County Shrine Club Officers appreciate all members that have contributed their time and attended the many Club activities!! The Club President, Noble Scott Spangler has been VERY busy with his Board of Directors, preparing for activities in 2019. Thanks to all of you that attended and provided manpower [including our Ladies] to make them all successful. THANK YOU TO THE CAN CREW who collect and dump cans 2-3 times each week. ALSO- Thanks to the Nobles for their assistance in helping the 4th Graders from Graham Local and West Liberty-Salem Schools attend the Circus. FUN WAS HAD BY ALL!!
All Shriners and potential Shriners are welcome to attend any of the activities listed below. Just be sure to call our Club Secretary/Treasurer; Noble Al Johnson-937-465-3202, for information and reservations. Upcoming Club meetings and activities include:
- May 5 – Annual Shrine/K of C Night at Parson’s Party Barn – 6:00 – Social Hour — 7:00 – Eat
- June 8 – Annual Golf Scramble — Spots are filling-up quickly–Sign up NOW!!
- July 19 – Stag with Miami County Shrine Club at Parson’s Party Barn
- August 22 – Ladies Night—Parson’s Party Barn–Pot Luck
- August 25 – Car Show – Noble Rob Butler, Chair.
- September 21 – Instine’s Party Garage
- October – T B D
- November 8 – Bowling Party
- December 7 – Christmas Party—Cheetah Lounge
[When is the last time you attended??]
Club 77
Meet Day - TBA

Background Information
The Club was created for newly inducted Nobles, as an informational introduction to the Shrine. It’s purpose is to educate the new inductees about Antioch, our Clubs and Units, protocols, and Shriners International.
Darke County
Meet Day - 4th Wednesday

Background Information
The Club was originally named the Greenville Shrine Club and has existed since 1921. The Club participates in the Aluminum Can Drive to generate funds for the Shriner’s Hospitals. Many of their members are also part of the Jeepsters.
Meet Day - 1st Thursday

January 2019 Message
Many thanks go to members of the Fairborn Shrine Club (and their Ladies) who supported the collection of donations during our 2018 Hospital Fund Drive. President Jeff Flora presented our ceremonial check for $2,240.27 to Antioch Recorder Noble Jerry Jamieson at or Christmas party at TJ Chumps Restaurant in Fairborn on 6 December. The Christmas party part of the evening was great too. Besides great food and fellowship there were table gifts plus Marilyn Rowley won the guess how many chocolate candies are in the jar
. We had our traditional gift exchange and to top it off we had a fantastic door prize event where four beautiful poinsettia plants were won (see a few of the lucky winners in the photos).
Our meetings are on the first Thursday of each month. Our dinner and social hour is from 6:00 to 7:00pm. Business meeting usually starts around 7:15. We send our newsletter out each month to let everyone know about our plans for the meeting plus info about the club and Antioch events. All Shriners and their Ladies and their guests (especially potential members) are invited to join us. Please just email Noble Richard Winters Secretary/Treasurer at RSVP to let us know if you are coming.
Greene County
Meet Day - 3rd Wednesday

Background Information
The Greene County Shrine Club was organized on February 8, 1967. The Club’s objective is to support the Shriner’s Hospitals and Antioch Temple.
Meet Day - 1st & 3rd Tuesday

Background Information
The Lima Shrine Club was formed in September 1947. It is a strong, well-operated organization and has been a vital part of the community for many years.
Miami County
Meet Day - 3rd Thursday

Background Information
The Miami County Shrine Club was formed on December 15, 1954. The Club is involved in the Aluminum Can Drive and makes very large donations to the Shriner’s Hospitals every year.
Meet Day - 2nd Thursday

Background Information
This Club was formed and chartered in the early 1920’s. The Middletown Shrine Club continues to support its local community and works hard to raise funds for the Shriner’s Hospitals.
Meet Day - 1st Monday

Background Information
The Springfield Shrine Club was organized in the early 1920’s. In 1945, a committee was responsible for having a plot of 13 acres of land donated by Noble (Doctor) Horace and Lady Anna Heistand. The land is the site of the Springfield Shrine Club and in 1947 was named Heistand Memorial Shrine Park. The Springfield shrine Club has always taken an active part in the activities of Antioch Temple. Each year they sponsor under-privileged children of Springfield and the residents of the Ohio Masonic Home to the Antioch Circus.
Warren County
Meet Day - 2nd Thursday

June 2019 Message
Happy New Year Nobles,
Many Nobles and Ladies came for our Christmas Party at McCoy’s Catering, to celebrate the holidays, and our successes the past year, ranging from original charter members to newer members. It was great to see the fellowship and tables filled up.
Our next meeting is Feb 7th at Waynesville Lodge. Dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7pm. We will do planning for the upcoming year as well as Install the Officers for the year. New members are welcome to join us. Ladies always welcome.
The 2023 Officers are:
- President. – Larry Mayer
- VP –
- Sec/Treas. –
- Chaplin –
Antioch Clubs
Arabic Club
Meet Day - 1st Wednesday

June 2019 Message
May meeting was good, we took in a New Member William Stam from Sidney. Our Lunch was taken care of by Kabilli Do Tayler who brought in subs salad plus dessert.
Our June picnic is June 20th at Spring Run.
We will be dark July and August. The next meeting date is September 4th at Antioch Shrine at 11:30.
Our guest speaker was Executive Director Chris Stanley From the Fisher House at the VA and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
See you at the Picnic.
Meet Day - 3rd Monday

Background Information
Cabiri is made up of the Past Potentates of Antioch.
Our motto is “That’s not the way we did it in my year!”
Golf Club
Meet Day - 1st Wednesday

Background Information
The Gun Club meets this month on Wednesday, February 15 at Vandalia Range & Armory. As we have for the past several years, this will be our annual “Frank Kelley Pizza Party”. When we started the Gun Club in 2007, Noble Frank was our Vice-President. He wanted to start the club off with a gathering where our Ladies would feel welcome. His aim was focused on the club sharing new gun laws, current firearms House & Senate Bills proposed or passed and having safe, positive shooting experiences especially for the Ladies. He insisted on paying for the first Pizza Party as a gift to the club. From then on, our club has footed the bill for our members and, of course, our Ladies, we call the Annie Oakleys.
Thanks, Noble Frank, we continue your insight into having fun, informative meetings.
Tom Hail
Gun Club
Meet Day - 3rd Wednesday

June 2019 Message
Last month’s meeting was very interesting. We had a guest speaker, Mr. Frank Free, Assistant Manager of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base’s Shotgun Club. Mr. Free spoke on the different aspects of the shotgun shooting sport and about re-loading shotgun shells to save a bit on ammo purchases. On display were examples of shotguns in various calibers and types for different shooting sports.
We also had a knife sharpener brought in to put an edge on the kitchen, steak and pocket knives our members and their Ladies brought to the meeting. Refreshments were a great buffet put on by our Annie Oakleys.
This month’s meeting is being held at Vandalia Range & Armory on Wednesday, June 19 at 7:00pm. Come a little early to plink and enjoy the new computer targets owner Noble Doug Hague has installed. There are over fifty stationary and moving targets to choose from and each a lot of fun. Choices include Bowling Pins, Card Game, Popping Bubbles, Green Aliens, Shoot-Don’t-Shoot and Bandit Cowboys running at you out of a Wild West Saloon.
We invite all Shriners and their Ladies to attend our meetings.
Meet Day - Every Tuesday

June 2019 Message
The Senior’s, Nobles and Ladies have had a full month, working The Seniors Breakfasts, the five days of the Circus, Stated Meeting, Fish Fry’s, and Antioch’s Second Concert, with a country western music theme.
The Circus, a Great Success
, and grateful thank you, to Todd Rider, Chief Rabban and Circus Chairman Kevin Sweeney, P.P. Senior’s own Herb R. worked the five 16 hour days. He got to know all the animals by first name. Joe & Diane J. put in a lot of time, also, greeting all who entered the Circus Tent. Thank You to all the Senior’s that also worked The Big Top.
We’ll see all at the Pote’s Ball, then on to Las Vegas, and with a short rest, head to Nashville, for the Imperial. Senior’s meet every Tuesday
Morning, 9:30 a.m. Main Dining Room, Antioch Shrine Center. The door opens at 9, and for a $1 donation will get you doughnuts, coffee, tea, and into a few friendly discussions, with a little teasing, back and forth. But on the second Tuesday, the Senior’s have Our Breakfast/Brunch, with a $4 donation.
Traveler's RV Club
Meet Day - As Needed

Background Information
This is a very active Club that includes Nobles, Ladies and their families. They plan amazing cross-country trips as well as more local ‘glamping’. They enjoy spending time around the campfire, cooking outdoors and the comradery with every member of the Club.