Antioch Shrine Membership Information

Recognition For Just One Success

At Imperial Session, we saw the unveiling of new Imperial Potentate Jim Smith’s Just One campaign to increase Shriner membership. A simple but powerful idea drives this initiative: If every current Shriner resolves to recruit or restore “just one” noble to his temple, the ranks of our brotherhood will swell tremendously.

Just One Campaign


In order to build enthusiasm for the Just One initiative and keep it going, we are instituting a multi-level program for recognizing and rewarding top-line signers for their successful efforts bringing in new members or restoring suspended members. These are:

In addition to these points of recognition, we strongly encourage local temples to find other ways of honoring your members who embrace the challenge of helping grow our membership.

As a record-keeping aid, Just One referral cards were presented at Imperial Session, and more will be made available for temples to share with their members. If your temple has members using the cards, you will need to assign someone to collect them and enter the information on WebFez (

If you have any questions about the Just One program, please contact the Membership Development Department by email at or call (813) 281-0300.

Historic Membership Chart

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Black Camels 76 94 12 53 31
Suspensions 1 70 0 13 8
Creations 21 19 9 24 18
Affiliated 1 2 1 0 5
Restored 7 19 21 11 2
Total Members 1567 1432 1451 1329 1304
Gain/Loss 58 135 19 -100 -25